Dear Lecturer

    To all the dear lecturer out there, what actually makes you a lecturer? In the first place, how do one even qualify themselves as a lecturer? Is it by going to University, acquiring a high educational level, then one is automatically qualified as a lecturer? No, I don't think so, because I know some of the lecturer that teaches me does not posses the highest educational level, but still can be our lecturer and teaches us what we need to know with their knowledge. So, once again, how are you a lecturer? But, I think with common sense, anyone would think that with enough knowledge and experience in life, you can become a lecturer. But, I want to know more, what is the real meaning of a lecturer, because I know for a fact that, being a lecturer is much more than the word can mean, they are the guide of our life, someone who will be willing to waste his time on people like us. 

    So to start things off, I guess we can safely say that, our parents is also the lecturer in our life, they teach us how to walk, how to talk, all the basics of our life is basically teach to us by them. I guess it is safe to say that, in a way, they are the beginners guide to life, as well as the first lecturer we have in life, but besides that, they are also in a way, another kind of lecturer, as they will lecture us whenever we are in the wrong, which may make some of us think that these kind of lecturer is annoying to deal with. But, I think it is definitely necessary in our life to be lectured, because we will repeat the mistake we made if we are not lectured of.

    But besides our parents, the parents of our parents is also the lecturer in our life. The story they tell, is the best way to decipher a history book, they are what make the boring history class or subject interesting. With a little bit of boasting themselves here and there, original history that is altered a bit by them to tell a story that they only know during the time where the history started. Yea, I guess that what's make them a really valuable lecturers in our life. But there are also tens of years of experience that they have, and the longer they live, their years of experience continues to grow richer and richer. So, I may sound like describing our elderly as a guide to experience to our life, but we should honestly talk to our elderly more and try to read and decipher the story we were told by them, so that we can understand life even if we can only understand a little in the end.

    Now, we can't forget about our real teachers our lecturers in life can't we, but I feel like nothing much we can talk about them. So, I just think of all the teacher and lecturer as physical Wikipedia, no offense to all the lecturer that is teaching me, I'm just typing what's on my mind. But, there are difference between online Wikipedia and physical Wikipedia, and that is the response from the both of them, as online Wikipedia would not give any feedback when we made a mistake, but the lecturers that teaches us will, and I firmly think that a response is what's most important in teaching, as only then we can know what we are at wrong for when doing some educational work.

    And with that, it is the end of this week blog, this blog do look like is type half-heartfully just to show the lecturer, but there's nothing I can do, as I am not teach enough yet to reach a level where I can type like an author. So, I hope that I can learn from all the dear lecturer, to gain further more knowledge and experience.

